Locked out of Apartment? Here’s What to Do Next.

locked out of apartment

The lock on your apartment door is jammed, broken, or missing. No matter what type of apartment you live in and your state, this can be a frustrating and troublesome situation for anyone. But there’s no need to panic — as long as you act quickly and carefully, you should be able to get back into your place with minimal damage done. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps every tenant needs to take to get back inside their home after being locked out:

Assess the Situation

The first thing to do when you’re locked out of your apartment is to assess the situation. What’s the problem? Is it urgent? What are the risks involved, and what are possible solutions?

  •   Is there a risk of being locked out for long periods? If so, this may be an emergency requiring immediate help.
  •   How much time do you have before someone is back home or at work (e.g., if you’re traveling)? If it’s less than two hours away from when they’ll return, it may also be worth calling them if they don’t already know what happened; otherwise, wait until they arrive.

Contact the Landlord or Property Management

 locked out of apartment

If you’re locked out of your apartment, don’t panic. The first thing to do is contact the landlord or property management company. You may have a spare key hidden somewhere on the property, or they may be able to help you find a locksmith who can unlock your door for you. If neither of those options is available, ask them if they can give you access to another unit in the building so that at least one person has a place to stay while waiting for repairs to be completed.

Explore Self-Rescue Options

If you can’t get in, the first thing to do is call a locksmith. They will be able to open your door and make sure everything is secure. However, if they cannot open the lock, they may recommend that you explore self-rescue options before calling them back out later. One option is using a credit card or other flat object as leverage against the doorknob when turning it clockwise (if this doesn’t work for some reason).

Another option is trying to pry open windows around the apartment complex; many apartments are built with double-paned glass windows, so they’re difficult but possible to break through if needed! Once inside your apartment again–and after ensuring that all doors are securely locked behind you–make sure not only yourself but any other residents stay where they should be until help arrives.”

Research Local Locksmith Services

 locked out of apartment

If you have locked yourself out of your apartment, you must find a reputable locksmith service. A good way to do this is by asking for references from friends or family who have had work done in the past. You should also ask if they are insured professionals and check their website for reviews from other customers. Try calling several companies to compare prices and services each offer.

Look for an insured professional who offers 24/7 mobile services (in case the lock needs repairing while on the go).

Make an Informed Decision

Before you do anything else, making an informed decision is important.

  •   Please find out how long it will take to get into your apartment. You may be able to unlock the door yourself or with the help of a friend or neighbor, but if you don’t have access to an apartment key and don’t have time for a locksmith (or don’t have money), another option may be available. Some cities offer emergency services that let residents enter their homes through windows and doors when they are locked out because of lost keys. Call your local police department or city hall for more information on this service.
  •   Please find out how much it will cost before hiring a professional locksmith or contractor who can break down the door for you–and keep in mind that these fees could add up quickly! Try contacting someone who offers same-day service so they can immediately come over and give quotes. At the same time, they’re still available rather than having them come back later in the week only after other customers ahead of yours have been taken care of first (which could mean waiting days).

Spare Keys and Key Duplication

 locked out of apartment

If you do not have a spare key and are locked out of your apartment, there are some steps you can take to get back in. The first thing to do is contact the landlord or property management. They may be able to help unlock the door without having to call an emergency locksmith service and incur additional costs.

If they cannot assist with unlocking your door, then it’s time for Plan B: finding someone with access who can let you in or calling an emergency locksmith service so that they can replace all of your locks with new ones.

Try not to lose track of where all of your keys are at all times!

It’s easy enough for them to slip from our minds when we’re busy doing other things–and before we know it, we’re locked out again because none of us remembered where those darned things were located!

Digital Lock and Smart Home Solutions

A digital lock is a smart solution for anyone who wants their home to be more secure. A battery-powered digital lock has a keypad and can be programmed with up to 30 entry codes. This allows you to give access to other people without having them carry around a physical key.

Digital locks are easy to program and use–punch in the code you want them to enter when they come over! They’re also very secure: if someone enters an incorrect code three times consecutively (or tries something else like forcing their way through), an alarm goes off, so you know right away what happened.

Digital locks are convenient because if someone forgets their code at home or where ever else they may be staying temporarily (think Airbnb), all they have to do is call or text from another phone number associated with the account holder’s name; this will automatically generate another temporary code which will allow immediate entry into your apartment building without having any physical keys on hand whatsoever!

These situations happen all too often nowadays thanks largely due mainly to technological industry advances and increased consumer demand worldwide.”

Prioritize Key Management

 locked out of apartment

If you’re locked out of your apartment, the first thing to do is assess the situation. You must know it’s safe and secure to let yourself back into your home.

Once you’ve ensured all is well, it’s time to replace those keys! The best way to do this is by making an appointment with a locksmith or key maker who will be able to replace them on the spot–if they don’t have what they need in stock, they’ll order it immediately and give you a call when everything arrives at their shop.

In Conclusion

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of what to do when locked out of your apartment. If you have questions about our locksmith services, please contact us today!